Tuesday, September 23, 2008


so another day at school and what do i find but

i think its bullshit there are so many students that use there skateboards its unfair and unreasonable.

other that that the weekend was amazing spent it with fler it was her birthday she turned 22

yesterday i was working at goofy's kitchen

this is Felix he is a cool lead quite possibly one of my favorite

this is Stacy she has been in the scene for ever and i love her but i think i got her mad on sunday night she doesnt like her picture taken

so i deleted all of them except for this one where you cant see her face.

these kids were cute but there mom was a bitch and a half if you don't want to buy your photo then say so don't ignore me and have your husband apologize for your rudeness.

oh this is the creepy tunnel that we have to go through to get to our base just thought i would let you see my fear.

we also like playing jokes on the opening crew

it was all perfect until we got done with it. It may not look like much but for people with OCD it bugs the hell out of them.

When I got home I ate this and felt disgusted

and drank home made horchata :)

As I was coming home from school I stopped by Target and got some stuff and saw these

random kids riding the bikes on display shit was funny one of them almost ate shit.

Hh HEROES was amazing just throwing that in there.

I leave you with this an amazing movie I love.


T said...

hey juan! :D

starts with "LU" ends with "ANN" said...

you had a very eventful day! =) this is Luann btw from disney! haha

Anonymous said...

so i like how you put pictures its like a book and its exciting when theres pictures lol

Anonymous said...

hey! now "stacy" is mad.. that's stacEy!!! :p