Monday, March 31, 2008


mind your own god damn business people. honestly my life belongs to me and only to me. stop spreading rumors or making shit up.

Monday, March 10, 2008


i lost the loaner phone and out 100 bucks

fuck my life

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

went to class. missed pe because i didnt bring clothes. turned in phone. then checked out the bruise, its getting better.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fuck You Random Acts of Disaster

my phone is fucked in the butt

and they gave me this piece of shit


As a result of this weekend I am now sick :(

i have been awake since 5:00 AM which sucks

and the bruise is getting better

Monday, March 3, 2008

Champions Last Show May 27, 2006

the best show i have ever been to in my entire existance. NO FIGHTS, NO DRAMA, NO BULLSHIT. just crazy kids form around the world having the time of their life and supporting a great band that has influenced our lives and minds with music. i thank you for that. you will be missed and never forgotten.


fuhhs i got this shit for freeeeeeee!

the singer from sinking ships in the crowd shown love for his brother.

and a random hobo that will stand on his head and sing for some change.

July 31, 2005

Today is the most fucke up day in the entire year so much shit happened today first you think its just a regular day but no first stevens car starts smokn and then my tire pops on the freeway in the middle of the carpool lane and then I go to tommys house and my car starts smokn wat the fuck. I hate this day so much I wish july would only go up to 30.

Ok so anybody who read my bulletin yesterday knows I had a bad day yesterday with everything that happened with my car. But today as I wake up I get a call from my parents, there gone for the week there in washington visiting my moms sisters, I think they're calling to bitch and moan and wat not but they're call doesn't go through so I call them back right away because my mom leaves a voice message and she starts cryin at the end and something really bad has to happen to make her cry. So I call and she picks up and starts crtying harder and she tells me my cousin lionel has been killed and I love this guy everytime I would go visit my aunts he always treated me like a brother, so he's dead and they think someone killed him and that made me EXTREMELY sad and pretty much ruined this day too. Thank you for reading it shows u care.

Battle Wounds

Killing the dream r00lz!

Rivalry Weekend

so this weekend was dope.

It consisted of 67 miata's

4 s2k's

Fishermans wharf

Weak amoeba

6 hour drives

15% grade roads

Amazing bands


Amazing friends

Meeting new people

Weak lancers

Cold fog

Cheap camera equipment

Sick bruises and welts

Google maps


Too much merch (like there is such a thing) :]

900 miles

Too many freeways

Shit was amazing and if you were involved in it thank you <3>